The purpose of the Reading Mayor's Court is to provide the community with a local judicial forum to rule on misdemeanor traffic and criminal cases that are alleged to be in violation of the City of Reading Codified Ordinances.
Reading Mayor's Court is conducted the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tuesday of every month at 3:00 p.m. at the:
City of Reading Municipal Building 2nd Floor Council Chambers
1000 Market Street
Reading, Ohio 45215
513-733-5226 (FAX)
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Closed: Holidays and Weekends
Kirk Terrell, Clerk of Courts
Kevin C. McDonough, Magistrate
David T. Stevenson, Prosecutor
For more information, please look at the helpful links below:
Frequently Asked Questions
Notice of Your Rights
Payout your citation online
Fine Schedule and Payout Information
The Mayor's Court Clerk of Courts Office can help you with the following information:
- Understanding how the court works
- Help you reschedule court dates
- Help direct you to other agencies that can provide further assistance, if needed (ex. Bureau of Motor Vehicles)
- Directions to the court
- Information about your case
- Answer questions about monies owed to the court
- Record Sealing
The Mayor's Court Clerk of Courts Office Cannot:
- Give you legal advice
- Fill out forms for you
- Tell you what you should say or write
- Tell you how you should plead your case
- Tell you how the Magistrate may rule in a particular case
Those of you who are here in Court today have been charged with an offense against the Ordinances of the City of Reading Ohio. The Court wants you to be aware of your basic rights and that you are entitled to be informed of:
- The nature of the charges against you; to read the Affidavit or Complaint filed against you, and if you do not understand the nature of the charges, to have them explained to you.
- You have a right to know the identity of the Complainant
- You have the right to be represented by counsel.
- You have a right to a reasonable continuance in the proceedings to secure counsel.
- You have a right to a trial by jury in certain cases, as long as a demand is made in written form.
- You have a right to have a trial within 30 days of the date you were charged.
If you are not represented by counsel and you are before the Court and called upon to plead, you have certain rights.
- You have a right to counsel even if you intend to plead guilty, and the right to a reasonable continuance in the proceedings to secure counsel, pursuant to Criminal Rule 44. The Court may assign counsel to represent you, without cost to yourself if you are unable to employ counsel.
- You have a right to bail, if the offense is eligible for bail.
- You need not make any statement in the proceeding, but any statement can and may be used against you.
- You may plead Guilty, Not Guilty, or No Contest
- A Plea of Guilty is a complete admission of guilt.
- A Plea of No Contest is not an admission of guilt, but is an admission to the truth of the facts alleged in the Complaint. A No Contest Plea cannot be used against you in any subsequent Civil or Criminal Proceeding.
If you enter a Plea of Not Guilty, your case will be set for trial at a later date. You will have the right to present evidence on your own behalf. The City will present its evidence, and this Court will make a judgement as to your guilt or innocence.
You have a right of appeal from the ruling of this Court. That appeal must be filed within 10 days of the judgment as provided by Section 1905.23 Ohio Revised Code.
Are you a U.S. Citizen?
If you are not a citizen, a conviction could result in your deportation or denial of citizenship.
I have read and understand this statement of rights. I hereby waive a jury trial and submit and request to be tried by the City of Reading, Ohio, Mayor’s Court. If I enter a plea of Guilty or No Contest, I knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily give up my rights to employ an attorney, or to have one appointed for me. If I enter a plea of Guilty or No Contest, I also give up my rights set forth above, including to have my rights explained to me in open court.
Helpful Links:
Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles
Ohio Crash Reports Search
Supreme Court of Ohio
Hamilton County
City of Reading Code of Ordinances
Payout Your Citation Online